- horror reviews - MOH 2022


IMDb Info

Release Year: 2022
Runtime: 2h 10m
Country: USA, Japan, Canada
Language: English
Genre Tags: Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Plot Summary: The residents of a lonely gulch in inland California bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery.

Poster - Title Card rating: notes: There's some social commentary about repressed trauma, erasure of black people from history, and people being trained by the system, but it doesn't quite gel like it does in Get Out or Us. That said, this is perfectly fine as a scary Twilight Zone episode. There are strong performances by everyone, the direction always finds the most unnerving angles, and the slow reveal of the creature becomes a thing of horrific beauty. Sidenote: I would love to chat with Jordan Peele over lunch.

Outside Reviews:

Odie Henderson
3.5 out of 4 stars -

Truth be told, "Nope" reaches a conventional end point that would probably be more satisfying to most audiences had the journey been more tuned to the usual ways these stories are told. After my IMAX screening, there was a smattering of audience applause but I heard lots of grumbling. Call me a sadist if you must, but this is my favorite type of audience reaction. One particularly angry guy behind me on the escalator said "I can't wait for the critics reviews calling this ‘splendid'!" "Nope" isn't splendid, but it is pretty damn good. I had a lot of fun trying to figure it out. It's a puzzle with a few pieces missing; standing back from it, you can still see the picture. But does it give the viewer exactly what they want? See the title.

Todd Gilchrist
Grade: C+ - In Nope, the sky is the limit for Jordan Peele's ambition

As contradictory as such a description might sound, Nope is a great mess. Shifting gently from horror to science fiction, Jordan Peele's latest evokes the work of Steven Spielberg and M. Night Shyamalan—in ways both good and bad—with must-see spectacle whose dots don't all connect around its biggest ideas. But even if the film doesn't work (and it feels guaranteed that it won't) for every moviegoer who rushes to see it as much because of his name as the intrigue of its premise, Nope irrefutably advances Peele to the ranks of his crowd-pleasing, superstar predecessors, despite the fact that his ambition and his discipline as a storyteller haven't fully fallen into lockstep.